Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Five Reasons to go Plus1 this Valentine's Day

No. 5 - Crappy Overproduced Gifts  

Friday the 13th has rolled passed and the stores barley batted an eyelid probably from the festive season’s feast. Nonetheless you know the machines have just started warming up ready to start pouring out teddy bears, heart chocolates and “I Ruff You” puppy dog gift cards to show your undying affection for that special someone in your life. 

No. 4 - Guilt

Because if you don’t fork out on the unnecessary spend then you don’t love them. Then you’re a heartless creep that should live in a dark basement only talking to the occasional meowing cat. If you do not partake in the Valentines Day fiasco you’re simply dead inside. And if you’re alone you’re merely an empty shell of a human that could have been.

No. 3 - Inauthenticity

Amazing how a day with the sole focus to be that of love would somehow muster up such kind hearted sentiments of stress and turmoil. The emotions of the day are very much like the gifts, fake and forced. 

No. 2 - Red and Pink

Like is there ever a time when these colors should be together? Somehow on V-Day the two colours start to resemble more the colour of something one drinks when one feels nauseas… and then throws that up with a bit of blood. That. Hardly colours of love and devotion, they’re red alert, emergency-room-rushing colours. I get red. Passion, devotion, intensity but the soft pink almost washes the intensity down to something palatable. And who needs palatable intensity? 

No. 1 - Boredom

In the end it’s a boring day that one must ‘get through’.

So what is the answer, boycott Valentines Day? #LoveMustFall…? 

Imagine an anti-anti-Valentines Day celebration, one where all the wonderful love synonyms can be explored. From enjoyment, intimacy, passion, desire, lust to zest. One weekend that holds all the traditions of love like ice cream in a hand and sprinkles some irreverence all over the top. Way over the top. So over the top we’ve come back down and have had to start again.

What is the most symbolic tradition we as human beings have when it comes to love? 

A matrimonial themed festival where art marries music. You can can race through an epic filmic styled wedding, stag party the night before the big ceremony with only the Sunday to recover and reminisce. 

This is your opportunity to make your very own Hangover movie. Get wasted, solve problems, go on an adventure, paint a naked body, swim with other naked bodies, dance under the stars and marry a festival lover. 

This is your chance to be the real Wedding Crashers, drinking and laughing and scoring.

Now is the time to dress in your own 27 Dresses, in one day.  Be a Bridesmaid and come climb an attractive guest like a tree.  

Plus1 Festival, a festival of love for the lovers of festivals… and music, and arts, and…

Plus1 Festival at La Paris Estate 


17th - 19th February 2017

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